Snookered by Dan Deacon

It begins with a smiling child playing a glockenspiel. It ends with a glockenspiel playing a smiling child, beating him to a pulp in the process. The idle afternoon in the sun of the first 2 minutes is interrupted by the vocal entrance and the keyboard, and we begin to suspect that things won’t always stay this calm.

A minute later, the bass synths kick in. The idle sunshine afternoon is still there, but it’s becoming darker by the second. Into the 4th minute and it’s cranked up again, though the song still fits the shape of the initial lullaby.

At 4:50, when the lullaby disappears, we are left alone with this monster, and it’s terrifying. Its return 60 seconds later is incredible. Suddenly, we begin to sympathise with the voice. We really have been around this road, but it certainly wasn’t like this at the start.

The key change climaxes, builds us up, and crashes us back to earth with the child and the glockenspiel. The child plays us out with his final lullaby, but the smile on his face is now demonic.

Where now? Click here to listen to this song and others on the Words.About.Music Spotify Playlist, and read about each track here.

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