Tag Archives: end of the road festival

End Of The Road Festival — Day 3, Sunday 17/​​09/​​06

Today is not only the final day of the festival, but also the final day of summer. Thankfully the sun keeps his side of the bargain and wakes Gigwise up with a sweltering tent, but soon disappears for most of the day. However, there’s hope yet that the day will live up to it’s promise. […]

End Of The Road Festival — Day 2, Saturday 16/​​09/​​06

With Friday seen by many as simply the introduction, the weekend kicks off proper on Saturday morning. The games of ‘Viking Kubb’ (a game popular in Sweden, apparently) and football have kicked off, Diablo’s and juggling sticks are hurtling through the air in the circus area, and The Memory Band are beginning in the tent. […]

End Of The Road Festival — Day 1, Friday 15/​​09/​​06

We’ve all heard that festivals were better in the old days, with no marketing and slogans staring at you all day long, good food cooked on site, and a line-​​​​up of musicians to die for. We also all know this isn’t true, as history clearly shows that Carling invented Reading Rock, Milk (it’s a brand […]